马歇尔中心主页› 关于我们› 部门;


A vibrant Georgetown College community engaging in the work of Christ.


To cultivate and enhance Christian ministry for the Georgetown College community and in partnership with Georgetown College.

For more information or requests for funding, please contact Susan Reed at (电子邮件保护)


The 马歇尔中心 for Christian Ministry was founded in 1997 to administer and support programs for the Georgetown College community and her various constituencies with the aim of strengthening the Christian mission and identity of the College.

The Center was named for Georgetown College alumni William and 爱丽丝马歇尔 (’57). Bill Marshall and Alice Gardner met, fell in love, and were married at Georgetown.

The goal of the MCCM from its inception was and continues to be a self-sustaining campus partner. Due to the love and dedication of Bill and 爱丽丝马歇尔—Co-Executive Directors for the 马歇尔中心’s first decade—a strong financial foundation was secured.

These are promising days for the 马歇尔中心 for Christian Ministry. In the words of Bill and 爱丽丝马歇尔, “It is our hope and prayer that the MCCM will always be, an invaluable partner with Georgetown College in fulfilling its spiritual commitment to its students, 教师, 员工与社会”.



爱丽丝马歇尔, 肯塔基州路易斯维尔市

罗杰·贾斯帕, 伊莉莎白,肯塔基州

牧师. Dr. 约翰·特拉维斯, 列克星敦肯塔基州

Brenton Yadon, 列克星敦肯塔基州

艾米丽梅特卡夫, 列克星敦肯塔基州

李·安·沃特斯, 韦斯特波特,肯塔基州

丹摇, 勃兰登堡,肯塔基州

帕特里克·梅塞尔集团, 列克星敦肯塔基州

牧师. 苏珊·里德(主席), 肯塔基州路易斯维尔市

Paola鱼子, 肯塔基州法兰克福

贾斯汀西斯摩尔, 列克星敦肯塔基州

苏珊·克利夫顿, 列克星敦肯塔基州

杰里米·香农, 索斯盖特,肯塔基州


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